Saturday, September 22, 2007

One last visit to Boise

We got the passport! It took a senator to finally get it! But what matters, is we got it!
We're both getting really excited! We leave in just 5 days!! And honestly, I don't know how to feel, meaning it doesn't seem like it's real! But I'm sure it will hit us hard right in the face when we land in Rome, and eat dinner in front of the pantheon this Thursday! Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that we will be in town this Wednesday before leaving. We would love to see you all, but time is short. So the more we can see, the better! Maybe if we could have a big lunch everyone go out for ice cream or something. Anyways, get back to us if you have any ideas!
Love you all


Louie said...

Not Larry Craig I hope...

Anonymous said...

It's finally here!!! Soak all of it in you two - this is truly a once in a lifetime adventure for you and how great to do it together. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow so I can send my love with you in person. Bon Voyage!